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Thursday, April 14, 2011

'Cameron to lower immigration' HAHA Just more pre-election lies!

So, Big Dave Cameron says he is going to lower immigration to the tens of thousands. Firstly, he cant. And Secondly, he forgot the words. 'of NON EU CITIZENS! As I have said before, due to EU membership we cant really limit the number of EU citizens coming here (Human Rights Act 2004 - SECT 13 Freedom of movement.) Polish, Slovakian, Romanians, Bulgarians etc can keep coming as they wish. So although Big posh Dave has finally clicked on that we have our own problems here in Britain, and that Pakistani kids getting an education or Libyans fighting among themselves just isnt our priority. Especially when us, the British people are struggling to find jobs, houses, dentists, doctors etc and finding it hard paying the bills, due in part to mass immigration.
You cant help but think that its all just a bit of an election stunt especially when Vince Cable the Lib Dem Business secretary, who is also in charge of the student visa policy, criticises your speech and says that its not actually the governments policyat all! The same Vince Cable who just 6 months ago said immigration was too low!
And you can almost certainly guarantee sometime during May or June, after the election of course, we will end up with thousands seeking refuge from Libya, Syria and the rest of the middle east and africa. Come on over to Britain we pay well, whether you work or not!!
One last thing though, do we really need tens of thousands of immigrants from around the world when we already have 125,000 missing here! We also have 2 million unemployed, a million of those young people. We have housing shortages, years long waiting lists at dentists, millions spent translating every language under the sun encouraging them to build there own communities making us a nation divided by race/language/nationality/religion and oh yeah our wonderful welfare system that must be close to breaking point???? So we can have even more students coming over for education at made up colleges, and even more people applying for the jobs that are available? Even more criminals, terrorists and people who have travelled the world just to get to soft touch Britain? Or we could save some money, leave the EU and firmly shut the door until we can look after British people.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Quick question for the Government

So this week in the news we have heard how the Government has spent god knows how many millions blowing up Libya, 650million to fund education (not in Britain, in corrupt, al qaeeda supporting PAKISTAN) aswell as state of the art technology a 3BILLION bailout for PORTUGAL and funding a British hating Brit muslim convert to live in a 350k house in London and claiming benefits. One question for Mr CaMoron WHAT ABOUT BRITISH SERVICE MEN U ARE SACKING WHILE ON THE FRONT LINE, THE ELDERLY GOING WITHOUT HEAT, FOOD AND CARE, THE 2MILLION UNEMPLOYED OR THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE STRUGGLING IN THESE 'TOUGH' ECONOMIC TIMES?? After all, it is OUR TAXES you are using to help the world! What about our country?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The spread of Mosques in the UK

In Britain in 1964 there were 9 mosques. By 2000 there were 614 and there is currently 2400! So in the last ten years the number has risen nearly 400%!!!! They are nearly all unregulated/unchecked and often conducted in Arabic, by people known as immans, often taught in Saudi Arabia which is a sharia Islamic state, so the immans could be saying, preaching or encouraging just about anything.
Why, when Britain is experiencing such a spread of Islamic extremism are we allowing these command centres to expand at such a rate? Allowing anjem choudary and his vile cronies to visit and influence and brainwash youths. Even white British men are been sucked into believing and promoting this 'sharia law in the UK' and on demos with MAC (Muslims against crusades) calling for sharia law, an end to the Afghan war and protesting at homecoming parades etc. I often wonder where these people influences come from; bin laden, al qaeeda or people such as choudry but i now believe its much closer to home, in towns and cities we live in. Its hard to believe but as recent tv programmes prove, some of these places spread the message of hatred and the intolerence of our society. Often starting the brainwashing at an early age when muslims attend Islamic 'schools' which are actively encouraging seperation and extreme views on terror. Is that not one of the things our troops are dying for in Afghanistan to stop the spread of terrorism? Why are we risking and wasting our troops lives in barbaric 7th century countries yet allowing homegrown fundementalists to use mosques as recruitment centres across the UK??? Lets bring our troops home and stop anymore mosques opening or being built, and maybe then we can think about controlling the spread of extremism.