Who will you vote for in the Local Council Elections on May 5th?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Quick question for the Government

So this week in the news we have heard how the Government has spent god knows how many millions blowing up Libya, 650million to fund education (not in Britain, in corrupt, al qaeeda supporting PAKISTAN) aswell as state of the art technology a 3BILLION bailout for PORTUGAL and funding a British hating Brit muslim convert to live in a 350k house in London and claiming benefits. One question for Mr CaMoron WHAT ABOUT BRITISH SERVICE MEN U ARE SACKING WHILE ON THE FRONT LINE, THE ELDERLY GOING WITHOUT HEAT, FOOD AND CARE, THE 2MILLION UNEMPLOYED OR THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE STRUGGLING IN THESE 'TOUGH' ECONOMIC TIMES?? After all, it is OUR TAXES you are using to help the world! What about our country?


  1. It is becoming very clear why that poppy burning cretin only got a small fine - Cameron obviously thinks better of him than our armed services. Tory mongrel!!

  2. he made all these promises and i did actually think caMoron would be quite a good PM but he has broken so many promises already (EU Referendum, protecting key services etc)given 2 much to foreign countries whilst not looking after us, its becoming quite clear lab/lib/con is pretty much the same old lies!!
