Who will you vote for in the Local Council Elections on May 5th?

Monday, May 2, 2011

lowering immigration . . . . by giving more benefits!!!!

In case you had missed it with Osama beeing killed, the working populations of Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia all now have the right to claim BENEFITS ON THE SAME BASIS OF UK CITIZENS!!! Up to £250 per week they can claim, so from the minute they enter the country they can claim jobseekers, housing, child benefits etc. Not to mention the free use of our hospitals, dentists and schools of course they can even compete for jobs alongside us aswell. just whats needed eh? And of course we will even provide free translation of any important documents they may need while they are here!! The combined population of them countries is over 74MILLION, over 74 million people eligible to come and live and claim benefits despite never putting a penny into this country. I am glad the government has found another good use for our taxes and that glad Cameron is sticking to his recent pledge to dramaticly reduce migration and that it wasn't just a poor attempt at an election stunt!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

'Cameron to lower immigration' HAHA Just more pre-election lies!

So, Big Dave Cameron says he is going to lower immigration to the tens of thousands. Firstly, he cant. And Secondly, he forgot the words. 'of NON EU CITIZENS! As I have said before, due to EU membership we cant really limit the number of EU citizens coming here (Human Rights Act 2004 - SECT 13 Freedom of movement.) Polish, Slovakian, Romanians, Bulgarians etc can keep coming as they wish. So although Big posh Dave has finally clicked on that we have our own problems here in Britain, and that Pakistani kids getting an education or Libyans fighting among themselves just isnt our priority. Especially when us, the British people are struggling to find jobs, houses, dentists, doctors etc and finding it hard paying the bills, due in part to mass immigration.
You cant help but think that its all just a bit of an election stunt especially when Vince Cable the Lib Dem Business secretary, who is also in charge of the student visa policy, criticises your speech and says that its not actually the governments policyat all! The same Vince Cable who just 6 months ago said immigration was too low!
And you can almost certainly guarantee sometime during May or June, after the election of course, we will end up with thousands seeking refuge from Libya, Syria and the rest of the middle east and africa. Come on over to Britain we pay well, whether you work or not!!
One last thing though, do we really need tens of thousands of immigrants from around the world when we already have 125,000 missing here! We also have 2 million unemployed, a million of those young people. We have housing shortages, years long waiting lists at dentists, millions spent translating every language under the sun encouraging them to build there own communities making us a nation divided by race/language/nationality/religion and oh yeah our wonderful welfare system that must be close to breaking point???? So we can have even more students coming over for education at made up colleges, and even more people applying for the jobs that are available? Even more criminals, terrorists and people who have travelled the world just to get to soft touch Britain? Or we could save some money, leave the EU and firmly shut the door until we can look after British people.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Quick question for the Government

So this week in the news we have heard how the Government has spent god knows how many millions blowing up Libya, 650million to fund education (not in Britain, in corrupt, al qaeeda supporting PAKISTAN) aswell as state of the art technology a 3BILLION bailout for PORTUGAL and funding a British hating Brit muslim convert to live in a 350k house in London and claiming benefits. One question for Mr CaMoron WHAT ABOUT BRITISH SERVICE MEN U ARE SACKING WHILE ON THE FRONT LINE, THE ELDERLY GOING WITHOUT HEAT, FOOD AND CARE, THE 2MILLION UNEMPLOYED OR THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE STRUGGLING IN THESE 'TOUGH' ECONOMIC TIMES?? After all, it is OUR TAXES you are using to help the world! What about our country?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The spread of Mosques in the UK

In Britain in 1964 there were 9 mosques. By 2000 there were 614 and there is currently 2400! So in the last ten years the number has risen nearly 400%!!!! They are nearly all unregulated/unchecked and often conducted in Arabic, by people known as immans, often taught in Saudi Arabia which is a sharia Islamic state, so the immans could be saying, preaching or encouraging just about anything.
Why, when Britain is experiencing such a spread of Islamic extremism are we allowing these command centres to expand at such a rate? Allowing anjem choudary and his vile cronies to visit and influence and brainwash youths. Even white British men are been sucked into believing and promoting this 'sharia law in the UK' and on demos with MAC (Muslims against crusades) calling for sharia law, an end to the Afghan war and protesting at homecoming parades etc. I often wonder where these people influences come from; bin laden, al qaeeda or people such as choudry but i now believe its much closer to home, in towns and cities we live in. Its hard to believe but as recent tv programmes prove, some of these places spread the message of hatred and the intolerence of our society. Often starting the brainwashing at an early age when muslims attend Islamic 'schools' which are actively encouraging seperation and extreme views on terror. Is that not one of the things our troops are dying for in Afghanistan to stop the spread of terrorism? Why are we risking and wasting our troops lives in barbaric 7th century countries yet allowing homegrown fundementalists to use mosques as recruitment centres across the UK??? Lets bring our troops home and stop anymore mosques opening or being built, and maybe then we can think about controlling the spread of extremism.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Learn English . . Or please get your passport and go home

'Hospital admits some doctors and nurses cant speak or understand English' http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1368380/Hospital-bosses-admit-doctors-speak-understand-English.html

Its unbelievable but it could have been any hospital in the country! Or any walk of life in Britain nowadays. Thats whats more worrying! Even up here in Carlisle, not a massive ethnic minority area but there are many people who cant speak English. Even the doctors and nurses. I mean just imagine if its someone who has a serious illness? Telling someone they are seriously ill and a patient goes home not having fully understood what was said, but been typically British and saying nothing. Its disgusting we should have to put up with this level of service.
In fact i dont see why anyone should be allowed to live in this country and not speak English. I think its also partly the reason for such religious and cultural tensions in Britain. People from all over the world (and many British born Asians, especially female) live here and dont speak a word except 'benefits centre', 'please free house' and 'good price.' Some people cant even manage that. I just think its wrong. No other country would allow it. Why cant we simply say 'If you cant speak English you should learn as soon as possible or kindly go to a country where you can fully mix and integrate into the society of the country'
Or maybe me should just encourage these ignorant people and spend millions to print and translate even more things in different languages.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

lets leave the EU

i think Britain should leave the EU. What benefit does this corrupt, money grabbing organisation bring to me and you? There must be something good out of the tens of billion it costs Britain? You and me, the taxpayer.
The European union currently has 27 member states and is populated by 500million citizens. The idea of the EU is as a central government that is able to make and enforce laws, enforce human rights regulations and influence and implement policy making across all member states. The EU also has a major say in trade deals with major world nations, quite often leading to more immigration. (recently agreed trade deal with India allowing EU countries access to lucrative Indian market but in return they send tens of thousands of IT workers, managers and engineers to us, havent we got British IT workers, managers or engineers good enough already? Even most of the government oppose it but have to agree because we are a member of the EU.
The signing of the Lisbon treaty in 2009 was the most recent and controversial change in recent years. You may remember we were promised a referendum on it but the labour government changed there mind when they seen the public disapproval to it, but signed up anyway opening us to more ludicrous laws and decision making by europe. The Lisbon treaty made the EU stronger and more powerful in law making and attempts to centralize all government so individual nations make less decisions and rely on the panel of unelected judges in the European court . It also made the European parliament more powerful. Also the EU now is more involved in foreign policy and security, often speaking on behalf of member states at UN and g8 meetings. In the treaty Britain did manage to secure an exclusion to our 'common law' being changed, direct involvement with some areas of our budget and our police force. But countries have less rights to veto or reject proposals and are often bound by decisions such as the recent uproar over prisoners being given the vote and the sex offenders law changes. The Lisbon treaty also appointed a long standing leader of the union, or The President of the European Council to give him his full title. Currently Belgian Herman van Rumpuy. He is paid € 298,459 a year,about £280,000 plus no doubt massive expenses, which is funded by taxpayers including me and you. He is responsible for planning and chairing monthly or quarterly meetings, reports back to the European parliament and often speaks on behalf of all EU citizens in foreign and economic affairs. Never heard of him, me neither. This is a former prime minister of the mighty Belgium but this guy was never actually elected by us, just given the job with the backing of the 27 nation leaders. all this for €300k (£280k) a year plus unlimited expenses! Plus flying off around the world discussing trade. How the hell does he cope with such a workload!?
The human rights act is also one of the biggest jokes ever and costs us millions a year, leads us to be unable to kick people, often convicted criminals out of our country and leads to daft and unnecessary regulation and bureaucracy. We should leave the EU and create a British bill of rights and citizenship. Of the acts and regulations enforced in the UK, the EU is responsible for 71% of the cost. £10billion in government buildings alone! Surveys have shown we wouldn't miss out or be any worse off in trade deals. Our military would be as strong if not stronger.
And of course we all know the EU allows freedom of movement for services, goods, finances and especially people. Meaning anyone from the 27 nations can live in any other country. As we know quite well in britain. No country can set a limit on the number of people immigrating. 500million citizens can freely move from country to country and seek work. Anyone can come and work in Britain within the EU. When the government says they want to cap immigration they as referring to Non EU countries. We cannot cap or stop polish, Slovakian, Romanian, Bulgarian, French, German or indeed any other EU national coming here working, not working, claiming benefits having more babies here than in there homeland, polish ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366063/Polish-population-growing-faster-UK-Poland.html ) There are currently nearly 4 million legal migrants here including Non EU nationals and another 2million plus illegal immigrants mainly from the other side of the world with one aim. Soft touch Britain. I have said before i believe the UK to have a major problem with the numbers of immigrants here. Illegals from around the world could be deported no problems without the EU and human rights act. These people often pass through many safe countries who wont offer asylum or maybe just not quite the same benefits and protection from been sent home. Just think of how many countries an Afghan or a Zimbabwean passes through! The EU is changing the whole identity of its countries with its mass people shifting and disregard for traditions and customs often centuries old values lost because EU bureaucrats decide something without us having a say. It places a bigger strain on schools, the police, the NHS, councils, employment, housing and benefits. Jobs are few and far between as it is. I have nothing against the immigrants themselves, they are just seeking a better life for there family. Its the past and present governments that have changed this country forever. Our grandparents fought so we governed ourselves, and to stop a united Europe. Our leaders now give it away by stealth. I think its wrong that our communities are changing even more when we have not even worked out how to deal with the Islamic culture taking over and colonizing cities. And its well over 50 years since that mass immigration started. Why not at least ask us what we want?
We were never given a choice regards joining up to the EU, never given a choice on such massive spending, never given a choice of whether we wanted our communities changing forever with such levels of immigration and were not given a vote on the Lisbon treaty. I think we deserve to have a say. Let us vote on it. Especially in these times of cutting unnecessary waste. when we could save billions to use in our country, for our people and for our services. Isn't that why we pay our taxes. For us?

Friday, March 18, 2011

Libya. Not our problem

So we are now going to war with Libya. One question, why? They are covering it up with a 'no fly zone' but the UN countries can use any means necessary to get rid of gaddafi and the only thing that wont happen is troops on the ground occupying Libya like Iraq or Afghanistan. We will be using ships, planes and probably special forces to attack gaddafi's forces. Why is David Cameron putting more British lives at risk. Innocent young men and womens lives at risk for another countries problems. I am not saying what colonel gaddafi is doing to his citizens is right but this is a country in the middle east. Gaddafi is a horrible twisted man who was ordering planes being blown up along time before bin laden started it. The Lockerbie disaster killed 270 people and many believe gaddafi ordered this act of terrorism. Also the shooting of police officer yvonne fletcher. He is killing his own people for rising up against his 41years of tyrannic rule. But there are plenty of neighbouring countries who could interfere without us playing world police, the Arab league have planes let them sort it. Why cant we just leave a country that is thousands of miles away from us, to sort out there own issues. Or let their neighbours. We have enough problems of our own.
I realise we do alot of trade with Libya (£2bn a year) and they supply us alot of oil (convenient eh!) and as i said the situation there is wrong, evil and barbaric, but in my opinion that is not worth a single penny of tax payers money. Or any lives of troops. Plus Its a muslim country so will no doubt cause even more hatred from the muslim extremists and more ill feeling throughout the muslim world. Possibly causing more muslims born in Britain to launch suicide attacks. Us going to war in Libya could really get out of hand, what if gaddafi teams up with a loose canon nation like Iran who are stirring trouble in the region again. Plus, Al qaeeda are as strong in that part of the world as they are in Pakistan/Afghanistan. It is just another unnecessary risk of British lives, waste of much needed money and another example of how the government doesnt listen to the peoples views and probably doesnt care. Cameron just wants to make himself known to the whole world and make himself look like the peace maker. Oh and leader of Europe, have you noticed how much mention the EU has been getting. Pushing the EU in our faces, joint British-French negotiations, pushing for no fly zones etc convenient isnt it that we have no planes to launch from the sea but we have spare aircraft carriers and France have no aircraft carriers but have planes. Strange but true. All to make us more reliable on the joke that is fast becoming more controlling, the EU. Again the opposite of what British people want. Most people want out of the EU not more in it.
What are we gonna do anyway attack every country in the middle east and Arab states. Bahrain and Yemen rulers are just as bad as Gaddafis regime. One by one the Arab and middle east countries citizens are all rising up against tyrannic rule. But surely we cant go on forever attacking them. Robert Mugabe has been killing hundreds of thousands for years and we havent help the citizens of Zimbabwe. Because its not our problem. Neither is Libya

Thursday, March 17, 2011

paedophiles: scum of the earth

how can anyone want to look at sexual images of or have sex with a child? ? Its sick. Just read about the world wide sex ring that has just been smashed is great news that will save many young children from been abused. This was the biggest ever child sex network and ranged from countries all over the world with 70,000 members, 120 in the UK including police officers, Scout leaders and teachers. Its extremely worrying when it is people in such authority and it also shows how widespread the problem is and I believe much tougher sentences are needed to send a much tougher message as to how wrong it is and to attempt to stamp out this most evil of crime. I don't believe that people who abuse babies, minors or rapists can be cured and i believe such evil, twisted people should be castrated if they are men and locked up for life. Women abusers used to be unheard of but nowadays even they are appearing in the news. I would lock then up for life aswell. No arguments, no messing about just one simple rule, If you commit such a sick crime you should have no place in a civilized British society. Throw away the key they say dont they? 40% of paedophiles reoffend within a year of being released so is half the problem that our legal system is so ridiculously soft? You still hear ridiculous stories of people getting suspended sentences or community service or 'rehab' orders for crimes like these. Would people be as tempted to abuse if they knew castration and a life sentence was the consequence? Would people look at sick images if they knew they would be locked up until they died. Some abuse is committed just for the sexual desires of other sick people to see or. Supplying others with images is equally as bad and should be a life term aswell. Castration is offered voluntarily in the UK to paedophiles who want to reduce the likelyhood of reoffending, and works by cutting the testosterone in men to the equivalent of a young boy, greatly reducing sexual urges. Research in Scandinavia showed it lowered reoffending rates from 40% to 5%. If people think an instant life sentence is too harsh castration could be offered after a lengthy prison spell? I mean lengthy not getting out for 'good behaviour.' I like and support the British National Partys idea of building a purpose built prison on the island of South Georgia in the South Atlantic. This is a British Overseas Territory, 800 miles south east of the falklands (the nearest habitable land) and is 100miles wide long and 20miles wide so plenty of room for all the sickos to be housed in a big basic prison. The inmates could do hard labour building a port for oil or fishing vessels. The prison would be extremely basic nothing fancy like xbox, tv radio, pool tables etc just basic essentials. A place like this could be used for the likes of paedophiles, mass murderers, rapists, terrorists, serial offenders and people who commit sickening crimes and who would never be released back into society. Just think how much money it would save aswell, not having to spend millions making special allowances and luxuries. Not to mention the hundreds of millions of taxpayers money they must spend trying to rehabilitate and reintegrate paedophiles into society. With parole officers, housing, benefits claims and often protection. Not to mention when people find out where they live, and quite rightly demand to get them moved away for the protection of their neighbourhood and children. But it is just passing the problem on another neighbourhood for someone else to deal with. So more money gets spent. And all that cost and hard work just for them to reoffend again!
Unfortunately though, quite often paedophiles live in the same street and areas as you live and go in the same pubs without you ever knowing until the victims are brave enough to stand up and tell people what has happened to them. It must take alot of courage, bravery and strength to come out and say you have been abused.
Only yesterday in Bradford Crown court, James Farndale, a 56year old convicted wife beater, from East Bowling where i grew up, was sentenced to 17years in jail after being convicted of continuously raping one poor girl from the age of ten and of sexually assaulting another. The judge described him as a "very wicked and evil man whos crime was almost incalculable" and praised how brave the two girls were for coming forward and reporting him and what they went through. The detective constable said farndale "preyed upon the vulnerability of his victims and who reached the depths of depravity through his actions" what a horrible, disgusting human being eh? Now 17years is a long time but why should someone like him ever be released? He deserves life meaning until the end of his.
Often vulnerable children are easy targets for sexual abusers, the attacker taking advantage of trust gained through a process of grooming the youngsters. Grooming is a way of getting the youngster to trust the abuser. The attacker is normally an adult but could also be an older child. Often the child thinks they are doing the right thing or are threatened with something bad happening to then or others close to them, should they tell anyone. Youngsters can often keep as a secret for years or sometimes never tell anyone what they have been through, that must be hard dealing with such pain by thereself. Victims can suffer from recurring depression, panic attacks, phobias and flashbacks. Others feel constantly angry and blame themselves feeling shameful over what happened to them. Some people commit crimes, and even self harm as a way of helping deal with/ blacking out the pain. Some victims even attempt or commit suicide seeing death as an easier option than living with knowing what someone has done to them. Abuse thrives on secrecy, and speaking out is the best thing to do. easier said than done but it is never a victims fault for been abused.
Some people say the death sentence is the way to deal with abusers and i do agree to an extent, but it is also an easy way out for some offenders and i would rather they died a slow and painful death. In prison.
I believe the pain and suffering these children feel from these monsters should never happen and where it is proven it has, the attacker should be locked away for ever so they are never given a chance to reoffend or enforce more suffering on another child. They are the scum of the earth.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

lets talk about Islam . . . Or not

Islam is taking over the UK. The Muslim population of this country is spreading at a rate ten times that of the British population. If this continues we will be a minority in our own country within 40 years at the very most. Thats a scary thought. No wonder we cant talk about Islam. If we are out-populated by Muslims do people think we won't be ruled under Islamic sharia laws?? Look at countries that are ruled by sharia law and what happens there? In extreme sharia law, public stonings for adultery are common. Anyone that doesnt know what stoning is its basically a 3ft hole dug in the ground where first the 'guilty' female is made to kneel gets her head covered while the local villagers throw stones at her until she dies. Then the male gets the same treatment. Should this fail they get shot in the head. Thats obviously the extreme but amputations for petty thefts and a month in jail for been drunk in public are the norm. Thats if beer is allowed! It is written into Islamic law that women have less rights than men, something women here have fought and died for over many years to achieve. A Muslim man is allowed to have many wives including Non Muslim women. The woman of course must marry a Muslim and obey his every command. Young muslim men and white girls is Ok. Thats probably why there is so many half Muslim half white babies about in cities such as Bradford, Birmingham, Leicster, Blackburn, London, Bolton, Burnley i could go on all day. Then theres the forced marriages, the brutal honour killings and vicious beatings should the normally young teenage victim refuse to marry a cousin in a remote Pakistani village.
Or what about the fact that 14% of the UK prison population is Muslim. 7% of the UK is Muslim so that tells me a follower of this great religion is twice as likely to commit a crime. survey by The Telegraph found 40% of Muslims want sharia law in the UK. I dunno about you but i dont want it. I dont want to lose freedom of speech and the traditional British way of life, and i certainly wont let it happen. Oh also 20% of Muslims feel sympathetic towards the 7/7 bombers. No wonder we cant talk about Islam!
Homegrown terrorism is the biggest threat to our country and thats scary. Muslims born in Britain wanting to kill fellow British people, people going about there normal daily lives. And its all in the name of a ridiculously stupid book, THE QURAN, written by followers of the rapist war lord, mohamhed, a paedo who attacked and destroyed 27 innocent villages in the name of 'allah/god.' Mohamhed had 30 wives including one aged 6. Scum bag. Thats the idol of Muslims.
In Britain full areas of cities are just colonized by Islam. Alot of areas are just a no go zone for Non Muslims unless you are in their shops or curry houses. In Bradford, where i grew up, areas such as manningham, west bowling, heaton, barkerend little horton, lidget green, etc are not areas i would fancy walking round after dark. Gangs of Muslim youths normally carrying weapons or in such large numbers its scary, patrol the streets often selling drugs or just looking for young white lads to attack. Of these areas are full of mosques with huge minarets spoiling the skyline, sari shops, Asian jewellery shops, Halal butchers and solicitors for the claims and the usual corner shops, in fact just about every shop a Muslim would need. They have faith schools to brainwash the next generation of bin ladens British army. They have great big mosques, where nearly all the Islamic teachers speak Urdu or Arabic and we have no clue or control over what is said there. There is even huge 'Islamic asdas' nowadays. The Muslim community keep their money and wages (normally earned from taxi driving) within the community only. Doing jobs from plumbing to building to carpet fitting to skip hire. They now are Non-dependant on us Brits, who have been so welcoming to the Islamification. Until now. I think people are waking up to the problems posed by islam, a religion of hate of non believers. A religion followed by people such as captain hook, anjem chowdry, bin laden, leaders of iran. Libya, Pakistan, 7% of people in Britain, terrorists around the world,people who will die to attempt to force others to believe there shit. And that dirty poppy burning scumbag who should of been charged with a crime against the country. How dare that prick burn such a symbol of our strength and history, to the brave war dead from the first world war up until soldiers in Afghanistan. A symbol of rememberance, first sold in 1921 to raise money for troops, unable to work due to been injured fighting in the poppy fields of Flanders in the first world war. The judge should have stopped that scumbags benefits and given him the maximum possible sentence to send out a message that what he did was bang out of order. Oh and deported the leech. Hates Britain so much except on giro day! Be interesting to see what the man who burnt the quran gets in court next week! It needs burning. Dirty book.
They preach hatred on our streets disrespect our troops, they make me sick the way they groom young and vulnerable white, black and Sikh girls into there sick sex gangs and prostitution. This is happening all over and it made the news a while back and people who rightly said it was a problem, like terrorism, that lies within the Muslim community were branded what, racist of course. Even though Islam is not a race, its a religion. No wonder we cant talk about Islam.
I am not racist some of my good mates are black, 2 ushers at my wedding, good friends for years are not white. i have Chinese friends and good Sikh friends. The difference i think is a Muslim is a Muslim first and foremost whereas everyone else seems so proud to be born in Britain. But i dont dislike all Muslims just the certain elements i mentioned. I respect the ones that realise the wrongs in the religion and adapt to fit in and contribute to British culture and society, not segregate away. Some people will say i am just a far right supporting racist but i aint. I am just passionate about this not so much for me but for my daughter and my sister and nephew and nieces because i worry what sort of shit hole this great country will become for them and there kids. I think we need to stop treating Islam like an unspeakable subject and discuss issues which are obviously worrying alot of people from all walks of life. But come on now we know we cant talk about Islam. Its racist :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

' Cutting the wrong things'

Why do we spend £15 billion a year on foreign aid? Why have we spent £16 billion on fighting in Afghanistan when us being there is costing the lives of hundreds of brave young men sent to war? A war we can never win, And one that is causing us more problems than it is solving and making us a leading target for terrorist attacks, mainly from British born terrorists who support these nutters, al-qaeeda. Thats £35 billion pounds. All this money, our money raised by taxing us to the max, is being spent whilst at the same time the government has got the cheek to cut funding for the police by £3billion, the NHS cut by £2billion, 3billion for schools, £900million in lost funding for universities, £1billion from our armed forces, £3billion slashed from our defence budget. Local councils are cutting back services or just cutting them all together and making thousands redundant along with 11,000 in the forces and 10000 police jobs, no doubt placing an even bigger weight on our already strained benefits system. David Cameron said he wanted to create jobs when he got 'elected' yet all we hear about is more people made redundant, not many stories of loads of jobs been created. Just more money sent to India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. Why are we trying to look after the world when we have so many problems and areas of OUR society that need help and investment? Why not spend this £31billion that WE pay investing in our country? Why not increase the state pensions, or maybe reducing VAT or our unbelievably high fuel costs? Why not INCREASE spending for the police so they can keep making our streets safer, to tackle the gang culture most cities are faced with? Why not spend this money investing in renewable energy sources, therefore creating more jobs? Why not give more money to the armed forces so they have kit that is fit for purpose? Or not cutting the nimrod spy planes one of the greatest inventions ever that Will never actually take to the skies? Or keeping our planes so we are able to defend ourselves against rogue states or for example to protect the falklands if ever we need to. Why do British services suffer so we can help other countries? I dont see anything wrong with helping others WHEN our own issues are sorted and Thats why i believe we should make our own country, our own services the priority for spending and investing. i think everyone realises cuts in funding are inevitable after labours wastefulness and the bail out of the banks, but i just feel they are cutting the wrong things whilst increasing other budgets.
Thanks for reading, be back soon :-)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!!

Hello and Welcome to my Blog. I Will try my best to update everyday with my views on a wide range of issues. I am a 24year old who lives in Carlisle now. I grew up in Bradford, West Yorkshire and moved away 5years ago. Nearly all my family still live in Bradford and i try visit once a month, but i must say i dislike the city and what it has become. I honestly feel like a foreigner in my hometown. The Muslim population has expanded at an alarming rate and has basically colonized and taken over the city. One of many towns and cities where this has happened and the British citizen is now a minority. One of my main problems with the country at the minute is the Islamification of Great Britain. Promoting and opening Sharia law courts, faith schools and madrasses where young Muslims are taught that its wrong to integrate into our society. We have been forced to accept preachers of hate on our streets burning poppies, flags and other symbols of our great history, seeing British born Muslims commit suicide attacks, fight against our troops in foreign countrys, even government departments sneaking Halal meat into school, university and hospital menus and even supermarkets and restaurants sell it without informing the public what it is. I believe that within 30 years the Muslim population wil have become so large that they wil be running our country and making our laws. Unless we act now. Not being funny but i dont want to live in a Muslim country. I believe in equal rights for men and women, freedom of speech and the British way of life. None of these would be allowed if we lived under sharia/Muslim rule. Public beheadings, beatings amputation and stonings are common place.
Immigration is another serious problem this country is experiencing and i find it hard to understand why we need 4million (at least) people here when we have 2.5 million unemployed and a benefits system close to breaking point?! These foreigners are taking jobs, crippling the welfare state and leading to poor service from councils, the NHS and the emergency services. Not to mention the millions it costs in translation experts and printing documents in 50languages. People say the migrants are here to do jobs that British people wont do, well i dont buy that excuse. If the British people wont do the jobs, stop their benefits, i guarantee people would work rather than being homeless, cold and hungry.
Thats all for now, be back soon.