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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

' Cutting the wrong things'

Why do we spend £15 billion a year on foreign aid? Why have we spent £16 billion on fighting in Afghanistan when us being there is costing the lives of hundreds of brave young men sent to war? A war we can never win, And one that is causing us more problems than it is solving and making us a leading target for terrorist attacks, mainly from British born terrorists who support these nutters, al-qaeeda. Thats £35 billion pounds. All this money, our money raised by taxing us to the max, is being spent whilst at the same time the government has got the cheek to cut funding for the police by £3billion, the NHS cut by £2billion, 3billion for schools, £900million in lost funding for universities, £1billion from our armed forces, £3billion slashed from our defence budget. Local councils are cutting back services or just cutting them all together and making thousands redundant along with 11,000 in the forces and 10000 police jobs, no doubt placing an even bigger weight on our already strained benefits system. David Cameron said he wanted to create jobs when he got 'elected' yet all we hear about is more people made redundant, not many stories of loads of jobs been created. Just more money sent to India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia and Afghanistan. Why are we trying to look after the world when we have so many problems and areas of OUR society that need help and investment? Why not spend this £31billion that WE pay investing in our country? Why not increase the state pensions, or maybe reducing VAT or our unbelievably high fuel costs? Why not INCREASE spending for the police so they can keep making our streets safer, to tackle the gang culture most cities are faced with? Why not spend this money investing in renewable energy sources, therefore creating more jobs? Why not give more money to the armed forces so they have kit that is fit for purpose? Or not cutting the nimrod spy planes one of the greatest inventions ever that Will never actually take to the skies? Or keeping our planes so we are able to defend ourselves against rogue states or for example to protect the falklands if ever we need to. Why do British services suffer so we can help other countries? I dont see anything wrong with helping others WHEN our own issues are sorted and Thats why i believe we should make our own country, our own services the priority for spending and investing. i think everyone realises cuts in funding are inevitable after labours wastefulness and the bail out of the banks, but i just feel they are cutting the wrong things whilst increasing other budgets.
Thanks for reading, be back soon :-)

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