Hello and Welcome to my Blog. I Will try my best to update everyday with my views on a wide range of issues. I am a 24year old who lives in Carlisle now. I grew up in Bradford, West Yorkshire and moved away 5years ago. Nearly all my family still live in Bradford and i try visit once a month, but i must say i dislike the city and what it has become. I honestly feel like a foreigner in my hometown. The Muslim population has expanded at an alarming rate and has basically colonized and taken over the city. One of many towns and cities where this has happened and the British citizen is now a minority. One of my main problems with the country at the minute is the Islamification of Great Britain. Promoting and opening Sharia law courts, faith schools and madrasses where young Muslims are taught that its wrong to integrate into our society. We have been forced to accept preachers of hate on our streets burning poppies, flags and other symbols of our great history, seeing British born Muslims commit suicide attacks, fight against our troops in foreign countrys, even government departments sneaking Halal meat into school, university and hospital menus and even supermarkets and restaurants sell it without informing the public what it is. I believe that within 30 years the Muslim population wil have become so large that they wil be running our country and making our laws. Unless we act now. Not being funny but i dont want to live in a Muslim country. I believe in equal rights for men and women, freedom of speech and the British way of life. None of these would be allowed if we lived under sharia/Muslim rule. Public beheadings, beatings amputation and stonings are common place.
Immigration is another serious problem this country is experiencing and i find it hard to understand why we need 4million (at least) people here when we have 2.5 million unemployed and a benefits system close to breaking point?! These foreigners are taking jobs, crippling the welfare state and leading to poor service from councils, the NHS and the emergency services. Not to mention the millions it costs in translation experts and printing documents in 50languages. People say the migrants are here to do jobs that British people wont do, well i dont buy that excuse. If the British people wont do the jobs, stop their benefits, i guarantee people would work rather than being homeless, cold and hungry.
Thats all for now, be back soon.
Well said fella!! This country is about to fall apart at the seams if no one acts now. We are told what they want us to hear, shown what they want us to see, and zombified into conforming to everything asked of us.. Why do the British public put up with the fact that our hard earned cash was used to bail out irresponsible bankers and then in the same breath pay their boss 7.7 million quid bonus???? Outrage!!